
This unconditional, universal life force, that lives in everybody and everything. 

Channeled through the practitioner into the body – mind – spirit system of the receiver. 

A silent stream of energy that flows, simply through laying on hands.

Surprisingly effective: Deeply relaxing, clearing energies and giving focus.

After 33 years of practicing Reiki, I feel the call again to give more Reiki sessions to others and the deepening of the energy.

In 1990, with 18 years, I was initiated in the 1st and then in the 2nd degree by Reiki Master Dorothea Seelisch in Germany. From 1990 to 2000, I had the privilege to travel, translate and be with Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Grandmaster and Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho, as a way of becoming a Reiki Master. I decided at that time not to become a Reiki Master, but continued the practice for myself and others ever since.

Usui Reiki

Reiki – Usui Shiki Ryoho is passed down in the lineage of Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata to her granddaughter Phyllis.

Many things are written and spoken about Reiki. I would say: just try it out!

A Reiki session is given with clothes on, lying on a futon or massage table, and takes 1-1,5 h. 

Price for one session: € 120. A set of 5 session gives 10% reduction: € 540.

Make your appointment here.